Sacrifice is “an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy (Oxford Languages).” It's common today to brag about the various ways we sacrifice for our families, jobs, or dreams. Athletes can sacrifice hanging out with friends for their practice schedule. Parents might forgo a new kitchen remodel to put their kids through school. Mothers give up sleep for their children. Entrepreneurs may neglect family time to start a new business. But do we sacrifice for the sake of God?
God is Love
God is love (1 John 4:8,16). He loves us because of who He is, not for anything we do or say. God’s love is much greater than the love we can offer, even greater than the love a devoted parent offers to their child.
Jesus Time
A few weeks ago, one of my kids came home with a paper that he filled out about me. My favorite color: green. My favorite store: Aldi. What I’m best at: cleaning. All the answers made me chuckle until I came to one. My favorite way to relax: pray. It stopped me in my tracks and made me tear up.
You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup
While reading a devotion in Jesus Calling, I came across the term “drain out.” It was referring to when you feel drained by needy people. Unfortunately, in my life, those needy people are usually my kids. They don’t mean to be, but let’s be honest. If you are taking care of children...They are needy...And it is draining.
We Don’t Do Perfect Here
When the picture wasn’t quite right…when the school lesson was harder than it should have been…when the snack didn’t get cleaned up…and especially when someone was harder on themselves or others than they should have been. I would reply, “It’s okay. We don’t do perfect here.”
Do the Thing!
Some of you are going to think I’m completely crazy and exit this blog before it even gets started after you read the next paragraph: I LITERALLY heard God say, “Do you hear me? Do the Thing! Stop making excuses. I have called you.” Yeah…I know. And I understand if you close it up now because there WILL be more of this crazy talk. I’m just being upfront with you now. God speaks to me. I’m no Old Testament prophet or Bible teacher, but I strive to live my life close to Jesus. I try to spend quiet time with Him every day expressing gratitude, asking for requests, reading Scripture…