• seeds
    God's Will,  Trusting God


    The samara fruit reminded me of Jesus’ Parable of the Sower from Mark 4:3-20. In the parable, Jesus speaks of four different conditions for the seeds the farmer is planting. Seeds that fell along the path, in rocky places, and among thorns did not survive into maturity. Only those seeds that fell on good soil “came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times (v. 8).” In my mind, I have always had a limited idea of the number of attempts the farmer tossed out there for growth….a handful of seeds, maybe a couple of handfuls. However, seeing the multitude of helicopters falling…

  • Slow Down
    God's Will,  Trusting God

    Slow Down

    Slowing down isn’t just for driving to avoid an accident or speeding ticket. It’s a lesson for life. We are busy with activities from one end of the spectrum to the other: work, sports, household chores and improvements, volunteering, taking care of others, and the list goes on. Endless activity creates stress and often pushes out the things that really matter.

  • God's Will,  Trusting God


    After hearing of Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples arrived in Galilee in trust. They had no idea what to expect. And they certainly didn’t understand what had just happened. Jesus’ message to them about the next step was clear: Go and share the Good News with everyone. All four Gospels write about this “Great Commission” in one way or another (John 20:21, Luke 24:46-48, Mark 16:15-16), but the most detailed is in Matthew 28:18-20. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of…

  • God's Will

    Do the Thing!

    Some of you are going to think I’m completely crazy and exit this blog before it even gets started after you read the next paragraph: I LITERALLY heard God say, “Do you hear me? Do the Thing! Stop making excuses. I have called you.” Yeah…I know. And I understand if you close it up now because there WILL be more of this crazy talk. I’m just being upfront with you now. God speaks to me. I’m no Old Testament prophet or Bible teacher, but I strive to live my life close to Jesus. I try to spend quiet time with Him every day expressing gratitude, asking for requests, reading Scripture…