God's Will

Do the Thing!

Some of you are going to think I’m completely crazy and exit this blog before it even gets started after you read the next paragraph:

I LITERALLY heard God say, “Do you hear me? Do the Thing! Stop making excuses. I have called you.

Yeah…I know. And I understand if you close it up now because there WILL be more of this crazy talk. I’m just being upfront with you now. God speaks to me. I’m no Old Testament prophet or Bible teacher, but I strive to live my life close to Jesus. I try to spend quiet time with Him every day expressing gratitude, asking for requests, reading Scripture and devotionals, and listening the best I can. Sometimes He speaks during that time through what I’m reading or praying. Sometimes it’s through someone else’s words in a song or podcast. And sometimes God speaks through my circumstances, both the basic and the bleak.

So when I heard God at that moment, I knew what He was referring to. He has called me to write. 

It wasn’t like the sky opened up and all of a sudden the words came audibly from a pillar of cloud (although that is possible…ask Moses). God has been working on me for this mission for quite a while….like years, maybe a couple of decades. I started writing in high school and have always loved expressing myself in that way. Although at times it’s hard to pinpoint the right tone with the written word, I am so much more comfortable writing out my thoughts than speaking them directly. Writing gives me the chance to choose the right words and rethink how my ideas come across. Then I can send them to someone in a letter or an email or a blog. My parents, husband, and even friends have received my deepest thoughts this way.

I started writing here and there, what could be considered blog posts, about 10 years ago. I even started another little-known blog one summer. Unfortunately, it quickly fizzled out. I’ve had numerous excuses over the years: my schedule, other jobs, family commitments, lack of knowledge, and more. But through it all, I kept returning to this consistent nudge from God to continue writing.

I graduated college with a degree in education and spent 21 years working in public schools. Three out of my last four years of teaching were in a 6th-grade classroom where all I did all day was teach five sections of English, and writing was the focal point of the class. I loved it (except for the grading). I learned so much about writing during those years as I was immersed in the process of modeling my own pieces and helping others refine theirs. Shortly after that, I retired early from teaching. When asked what I was going to do, I answered that I would take care of my family and write a book.

I told myself that I’d get there when things slowed down because I was just getting used to my new normal. Then COVID hit and we were faced with another new normal. But honestly, I’ve spent much of the past few years just letting life happen to me. In the middle of 2021, I decided to hire a life coach to help manage my productivity. God had other plans for that time. Instead, the process led me to reevaluate my priorities. And His nudgings kept getting stronger and stronger. I’d be convicted while listening to a podcast or reading. I would feel the Holy Spirit trying to push me out of my comfort zone during my Jesus time and through my experiences. Many of the excuses I had before disappeared through circumstance, but I came up with new ones. However, once I opened my mind back up to the possibility of what could be…God has been relentless in His pursuit. 

He does that. It’s kind of a thing in Scripture. Have you ever heard the story of Jonah? Well, that’s just one of many examples.

And that leads us back to the beginning of my story. After telling me straight up to just do it, God continued speaking to me, “You don’t have to know everything. I will show you when I am ready.” Did you catch that? He’d show me when He is ready, not when I am ready. I took a deep breath (and maybe slid a little eye roll in there).

His message spoke to my latest group of excuses focused on lack of knowledge. I didn’t know how to get started. I didn’t have a focus. Heck, I didn’t even know if I should write a book or a blog. It all stemmed from fear (we’ll tackle that one later on). Moses tried similar excuses on God, and God kept pressing back. In Exodus 3:11-12, Moses said, “Who am I that I should go?” And God assured him, “I will be with you.” Moses continues with his excuses telling God that he doesn’t know enough (3:13), no one will believe him (4:1), and that he is not a good speaker (4:10). God rebuts every claim from Moses and sent him anyway. As Scripture tells us, Moses only got to know what he needed to know when he needed to know it.

Am I better than Moses that I should expect God to show me the whole picture from the beginning? Nope.

So here I am, doing the thing. Don’t expect me to have all the answers (because I don’t). Don’t expect me to lay out where we are going (because I can’t). And don’t expect perfection (because, maybe you’ve seen it somewhere else, but we don’t do perfect here).

Child of God, wife, parent, grandparent, teacher, and messenger. My life is messy, non-traditional, and imperfect, but I strive to be right where Jesus wants me. I love reading, traveling, and all things green!


  • Melissa Hickmam

    I’m so glad you listened to God & did the thing!!! You write beautifully & I’m so thankful that our paths crossed & you told me about your blog! Keep writing! Ephesians 2:10

  • Allyson King

    Jenny, Tara shared your blog with me and I am so excited for this journey the Lord has started for you. Praying that as you are obedient to Him that He will increase your reach to everyone He has already chosen to be impacted by your words. To God be the glory for what He is going to do!

  • Carol Ibarra

    Jenny, you have shown strength and saint like qualities in how you have cared for your family–not a surprise you are being called to more. Excited to be on this journey with you.

  • Linda Busatto

    What a blessing you are. I really enjoyed your first post. It’s true we are all imperfect. Can’t wait till the next one.
    Linda Busatto

  • nancy robertson

    Hey Jenny,
    I have often wondered how you are doing especially when I pass your house. I came across your blog on your web site. I have prayed for you off and on over the years, knowing about some of the joys and challenges God has placed on your heart. Glad to see you are being obedient to his call and blessings. Look forward to reading more!

  • Pamela Bolton

    Go Jennny! Written so beautifully and honestly your words can only come from God. I am a fan and look forward to reading your next posts!

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