• Letting Go
    God's Will

    Letting Go

    Several weeks ago, I began working with a life coach. I wanted to get my priorities straight and be productive. I had let too many days go by without getting “enough” done. Summer is coming, and I wanted to balance work and family without pulling my hair out.

  • God's Will

    Do the Thing!

    Some of you are going to think I’m completely crazy and exit this blog before it even gets started after you read the next paragraph: I LITERALLY heard God say, “Do you hear me? Do the Thing! Stop making excuses. I have called you.” Yeah…I know. And I understand if you close it up now because there WILL be more of this crazy talk. I’m just being upfront with you now. God speaks to me. I’m no Old Testament prophet or Bible teacher, but I strive to live my life close to Jesus. I try to spend quiet time with Him every day expressing gratitude, asking for requests, reading Scripture…