• sound

    Our God Listens

    Even here on Earth, Jesus wasn’t too busy for those who believed in Him. He listened to them. In Mark 5, Jesus was teaching to a crowd when a synagogue official sought Him out to heal his daughter, who was dying. While on the way to the official’s home, a woman with a bleeding condition touched Jesus’ robe, believing he could heal her. Jesus stopped, but not in frustration or anger, that He was delayed in saving the young daughter. Jesus responded in patience and love, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering (v. 34).” Then He continued on His way to…

  • prayer

    Jesus Time

    A few weeks ago, one of my kids came home with a paper that he filled out about me. My favorite color: green. My favorite store: Aldi. What I’m best at: cleaning. All the answers made me chuckle until I came to one. My favorite way to relax: pray. It stopped me in my tracks and made me tear up.

  • empty cup

    You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

    While reading a devotion in Jesus Calling, I came across the term “drain out.” It was referring to when you feel drained by needy people. Unfortunately, in my life, those needy people are usually my kids. They don’t mean to be, but let’s be honest. If you are taking care of children...They are needy...And it is draining.