• sound

    Our God Listens

    Even here on Earth, Jesus wasn’t too busy for those who believed in Him. He listened to them. In Mark 5, Jesus was teaching to a crowd when a synagogue official sought Him out to heal his daughter, who was dying. While on the way to the official’s home, a woman with a bleeding condition touched Jesus’ robe, believing he could heal her. Jesus stopped, but not in frustration or anger, that He was delayed in saving the young daughter. Jesus responded in patience and love, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering (v. 34).” Then He continued on His way to…

  • hope
    Trusting God

    Go Ahead

    Jesus and His closest friends had just finished their Passover meal together. He challenged the disciples with some cryptic predictions about betrayal and remembrance. Then they left for a walk to the Mount of Olives. On the way there, Jesus told His friends that each one of them would betray Him (Matthew 26:31). This was a shocking prediction to those who had stood with Him day and night throughout the past three years. But then, without skipping a beat, Jesus continued saying, “But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee (v 32).” This last part should have produced some questions: What do you mean by…

  • Trust the Process
    Trusting God

    Trust the Process

    This past weekend I attended an awards assembly for one of my kids. During the program, the organizer shared a message with the group. He spoke to the kids and explained that this is a time in their lives when they seem to be under a microscope, especially as athletes. It is a time in which, they may be corrected or criticized at every turn. Although the end goal is good, they might not be able to see what their parents and coaches have in mind with all the drills and decisions, chores and check-ups, practice and planning. These kids are in the midst of the process of growing up,…