Trust the Process
Trusting God

Trust the Process

This past weekend I attended an awards assembly for one of my kids. During the program, the organizer shared a message with the group. He spoke to the kids and explained that this is a time in their lives when they seem to be under a microscope, especially as athletes. It is a time in which, they may be corrected or criticized at every turn. Although the end goal is good, they might not be able to see what their parents and coaches have in mind with all the drills and decisions, chores and check-ups, practice and planning. These kids are in the midst of the process of growing up, and some of them are struggling. They are doing the hard work without necessarily seeing the results they hope for. 

This presenter, speaking from his own struggle, encouraged the kids to trust the process. And trust Jesus, even though they may not understand where it’s all leading.

His message inspired me, too. I’m struggling…emotionally, mentally, and physically. I’m trying to improve something in my life, but I am not seeing the results. I’m actually feeling worse than when I started. I’ve spent hours studying and putting what I’ve learned into practice. I’ve put in hard work planning and preparing. I’ve evaluated and reevaluated, but I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back. I feel worn down right now. But I know in my head that it is not the end of this journey, I’m really just getting started.

I may not know exactly what lies ahead, but I have to continue to trust the process. And trust Jesus.

Jesus’ disciples had to trust as well. Jesus worked with these faithful men throughout His 3-year ministry. He taught them personally and collectively. They learned by His example, and they learned more when Jesus sent them out to put His words into practice. He planned and prepared with them. They worked alongside each other, and they celebrated together. Then Jesus was arrested, and his friends were left stunned and struggling for answers.

Jesus was betrayed, arrested, beaten, mocked, denied, and crucified. 

“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last (Luke 23:44-46).”

The disciples didn’t know that it wasn’t the end yet. And they definitely didn’t know what was to come. They had to trust the process. And they needed to trust Jesus.

It did not look good, but God wasn’t done.

Romans 8:28 reminds us to trust the process, as well. This verse says that, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Sometimes the results take time. Other times God’s plans are not always what we want or expect. We may not even ever see the good in our lifetime, but we can trust that God’s ways are always good. I read something in connection with this verse (I wish I knew where it was now) that said if things aren’t good, then God’s not done. 

In this upcoming Easter season, as we move toward remembering the work and words of Jesus in the days leading up to His death, keep in mind that whatever you are going through, He’s got this in His control. Trust the process. And trust Jesus. 

Because not only is there more to His story, there’s also more to yours. God is not done…

Child of God, wife, parent, grandparent, teacher, and messenger. My life is messy, non-traditional, and imperfect, but I strive to be right where Jesus wants me. I love reading, traveling, and all things green!


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